Andrei Canciu

Case Study: My portfolio

It took me some time to decide on the design of this site. Ultimately I got a template website.

Client: Andrei Canciu

I wanted a portfolio or a blog. But it was hard to decide on the UI. So I keept changed it until now. This template is combining portfolio and blogging as I want.

Project Requirements

  • A place to introduce myself.
  • Nice UI/UX, responsive layout.
  • Blog, so I can post some of my projects.

Project Overview

Simple website with a blog module and and a design that I like so I can keep it longer the couple months.

The Challenge

Find a design that I like and stay with it. I will not go crazy with the blog so I don't need wordpress (not that I didn't try it).

The Approach & Solution

Believe it or not the first part was the hardest for me. For years I keep changing the design part to be more and more as I wish it. I used to keep it very simple, with 2-3 colors (white background, black text).


Finding this template to be on my taste was unexpected for me. I liked the user interface and user experience from the first moment. To be honest I tried to use the free version and working on it to bring it to the version I like, wich was a good idea, but after I checked the developer porftolio (you can check it here) I knew that I have to buy it. I used to work as a web dev freelancer and I know what it means to see that you are apreciated for what you do.

The Results

100% up
It has a integrated blog.
My Satisfaction
110% up
Even more.
Sales Generated
I will get back with an update.
Overall Cost
???% down

About the blog, I will not post daily. I don't have time for that. But I will post the most interesting and challenging projects with as much details as I can. Everyting I post I will make sure it is GDPR and Privacy agreement compliant.

My Testimonial

As I am the client of this website template and it satisfied my needs and wishes I can say that it is well coded with great UI/UX. Congrats to the developer.
Andrei Canciu
IT Administrator

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